Books, Movies,Reviews, Etc.

Here Are Some Books And Movies

I will list movies that I think are great or if you have a movie you think is great I can list it with a short review by you.

I generally do not go out to the theater to see movies,so I have to defer the new movies to those who do, or let you know about what is available on video/DVD. So, please let me know what you think that others out there should see, I'll let you be the movie critic.

I saw the movie Secret Window over the summer and found it to be a really interesting and edge of the seat type movie. It is not exactly a ghost story but close enough.

At the same time i saw the movie Butterfly Effect and it was quite fascinating. I recommend that if you do see this one that you pay close attention all of the way through or you'll find yourself asking what was that all about at the end.

Now, Considering it is coming up to the Halloween season, I think that some of the best movies to watch with friends and family are some of the old standards, like franenstein, Dracula, The Mummy, etc. I like the Halloween series too...most of them are just okay but Halloween 1 and 2 along with H20 are the best. The old House on Haunted Hill with Vincient Price is good too. I also like the old version of The Haunting better than the remake. The remake may be full of techno crap but it isn't as dark and scary as the old version.

Here's A List Of Some Of My Favorite Books
Okay, well I need to update the list of books that i have read recently and want to reccommend. I have found a few that may not be really new,but aren't ancient either and should be readily available in your favorite bookstore or webstore.

The first book I'd like to reccommend is Cemetery Stories by Katherine Ramsland. The cover also reads..haunted Graveyards,Embalming Secrets, and the Life of a Corpse after death. That pretty much sums it up as far as the content is concerned, but the substance of this book is not easy to sum up. It is a very, very interesting read, as are most Of Ramslands books. I own several of them and find them all worth the time to read.

Next I read a book called Haunted Houses by Nancy Roberts. It is a fairly quick read and interesting to the haunted house lovers. She has written accounts of 24 American Haunted Houses.

Now, for the Ohio people out there, especially the Cleveland area people, I read a book called Cleveland Cemeteries by Vicki Blum Vigil.I really enjoyed this book. I have been to a few of these cemeteries myself and she lists addresses,contact info, etc. for each of them. This isn't so much a book about hauntings at all, but more a trip into the history of several cemeteries on all sides of town.